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- by
- Robert W. Baker
- May/June, 1986
- p.108
- This utility was designed to
- give you the most out of the
- Commodore 1571 disk drive, C-128
- combination, but it works equally
- well as a handy utility program for
- 1541 drive and C-64. The easy to
- use, menu-driven program has
- functions that let you lock and
- unlock files, change the disk name,
- and issue disk commands.
- But the main feature of the program
- is the expanded disk directory
- provided by the first two functions.
- These functions will identify the
- files on the second side of a double
- sided diskette-- letting you know for
- sure which files on a double-sided
- diskette may be used on a single-sided
- drive.
- When you are running this program,
- be sure that you select a function
- from the main menu only after you
- have the correct disk in the drive.
- If you do not have a disk in the
- drive, you will get an error message
- and be prompted to press any key.
- Pressing a key any time you receive
- an error message will abort the
- function and return you to the main
- menu.
- Before these two options display
- the disk directory, you are first
- given the option of making a printout
- of the disk information. Respond with
- a (Y)es or (N)o. The program then
- displays the disk name and I.D., the
- format, number of blocks free, and
- whether the disk was formatted as a
- single or double-sided disk.
- The NORMAL DIRECTORY function will
- display only the active files on a
- disk (those that have not been
- deleted). The FULL DIRECTORY function
- will display everything, including
- deleted files.
- These functions will also display
- whether a file is "locked" (L), open
- (O), or utilizes tracks 36 through
- 70 (2). With a locked file, a special
- bit, or flag, is set that prevents
- that file from being scratched, or
- erased.
- If you are making a printout of the
- directory, pressing any key will halt
- the printing. Pressing a key again
- will resume printing. Pressing "Q"
- will end the printout and return you
- to the main menu.
- This function allows you to lock or
- unlock any file on the disk. When
- you are prompted, enter the file name
- of the file you want to update. Once
- the file is found, the usual directory
- information is displayed. Then you
- are asked to confirm that you want
- the locked/open status of the file
- switched. Respond with a (Y)es or
- (N)o. A "N" will abort the function
- without changing the directory.
- Note that if the file is not
- properly closed, the lock flag cannot
- be modified, which will be indicated
- by an error message.
- This function allows you to change
- the 16-character disk name. After
- the usual disk information has been
- displayed, you will be promted to
- enter the new name (under
- 16-characters long.) Pressing RETURN
- without entering anything will abort
- this function. Also note that this
- utility will not change the disk I.D.
- If you are running this program on
- a 1541 disk drive, this is your last
- available function. It allows you to
- send commands directly to the disk
- controller. When prompted, enter the
- command you want, enclosed in quotes,
- and in the proper command format.
- If you are running this program on
- a 1571 disk drive, you have another
- option on the main menu. This option
- allows you to switch the drive from
- single to double-sided mode and vice
- versa.
- This function will terminate the
- program.
- For more information on this
- utility program and the ins and outs
- of the 1571 drive itself, consult
- Baker's tutorial in the COMMODORE
- May/June,1986.
- -----------<end of text>-------------